
Skyrim no fast travel playthrough
Skyrim no fast travel playthrough

Feel free to ask me about any of these mods and why I use that mod. Those mods are SkyUI, Complete Widescreen Fix, Acquisitive Soul Gems, Unread Books Glow, and Run for Your Lives. My ultimate sneak archer build, as presented in 2019, is based on the Special Edition of the game on PC (because I’m not a console peasant) with a total of only five mods that simply make the game more playable but don’t change in any substantial way the gameplay mechanics or the visuals. Today, eight years later, I’m finally prepared to share that build with you in perhaps its final form but, then again, perhaps not. It has given me a lot of time to master and perfect a particularly ferocious interpretation of a popular Skyrim build: the sneak archer. Despite it all though, I still find myself learning new things and exploring quests I’ve never done before. Combine the pirated copy I originally played in 2011 and the two legitimate copies in my Steam library and you have hundreds upon hundreds of hours across multiple playthroughs.

skyrim no fast travel playthrough

It struck me the other day that I’ve played The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim more than any other game, even though my Steam account may not reflect it, given that I played it before I was even on Steam and that I’ve played both the vanilla version and the Special Edition on Steam.

Skyrim no fast travel playthrough